R&P Contributes to International M&A Publication
R&P China Lawyers is very proud to have contributed the China chapter to the new edition of Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers published by Kluwer Law International. Clients that wish to receive a complimentary copy of the China chapter of this publication, written by Maarten Roos and Kathleen Cao, can write to info@rplawyers.cn.
Introduction to Corporate Acquisitions and Mergers:
Firmly established and respected as a major reference work on the subject, it provides a one-stop guide to the local practical issues involved. Some of the world's most distinguished law firms, each of them identified as a leading firm in the mergers and acquisitions field in their own country, offer a rich source of information and advice on domestic issues arising on M&A transactions.
The book has been restructured and expanded to cover all the most significant economies in the world. The work is kept up-to-date by regular supplements, which track the key changes and developments in national laws and practice affecting mergers and acquisitions. The work now offers a truly global coverage.
Each country section aims to adopt a broadly similar framework and structure. The topics addressed are:
- Local economic, political and cultural aspects
- The regulatory framework
- Most common types of transaction
- Common financing methods
- Antitrust/competition issues
- Taxation aspects
- Employment considerations
- Procedural formalities
- Accounting treatment
- Prospective future developments.